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At Sunset Landscaping and Trees, we offer the following services:

The Grand Entrance

The front of your house makes a big impression on your guests, neighbors, and you every time you drive up. Accordingly, your front yard and entryway should reflect the ambiance you would like to create whenever you arrive home, whether it’s one of wilderness, serenity, stateliness, or otherwise. We will work with your tastes and your house to create the perfectly welcoming landscape, path, and/or patio to adorn the front of your home just as you imagine it.

Backyard Oasis

Your backyard is a space unlike your front yard: not just a space that greets you, but a space you live in on a regular basis. We will find our how you and your family enjoys the outdoors and design a landscape and hardscape that beautifies your space while creating areas to relax and play. We can create patios, paths, gardens, plant trees, and utilize retaining walls all to shape and beautify your yard.


Whether it is tending to a 100 year-old rose bush, trimming a hedge, or mowing the lawn, we offer maintenance services to all of our landscaping clients. With a one-year guarantee on all of our plants, you know you will enjoy their beauty throughout the year, but what will you do if white rot appears on your hydrangea or grub worms infest your yard? With a maintenance plan, we do the worrying for you and keep your landscaping looking great.

Problem Solvers

Puddles of water in your yard? Ground dry and cracked? Are your flowers not blooming? We’ll take a look at any problem areas of your yard and offer our suggestions. Whether it’s adding irrigation, mulching, fertilizing, or more, your problem area will cease to be an eyesore so you can enjoy your great outdoors.

Request a free consultation about your yard today by using the following form:

Phone Number:
Email Address:
Project Type
Time to completion
Budget idea?

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